Bringing local economies closer to home

Our latest stories from around the UK All stories
Meet the communities leading the way to a fairer future
Makers HQ: Sophie Glover

Sophie Glover is studio manager at Makers HQ, a community interest company on Union Street in Plymouth. Makers HQ is bringing textile manufacturing back to …

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Jess Steele with her dog, Scuffle
Hastings Commons: Jess Steele

Jess Steele is the founder of Jericho Road, a company she started to support her work as an organiser and a leader in Hastings and …

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Yealm Community Energy: Andrew Moore

Andrew Moore is a director of Yealm Community Energy, a social enterprise in South Devon that invests in renewable electricity and uses the profits for …

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Find out how: Take Action

Coronavirus Conversations: Paulette Singer at Clitterhouse Farm in London

Paulette Singer is co-founder of the Clitterhouse Farm Project, which was started by local residents within five minutes walk of Clitterhouse Farm in 2013 to …

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Coronavirus Conversations: Sally-Anne Watkiss from Homebaked in Liverpool

Sally-Anne Watkiss is treasurer of Homebaked, a community-run bakery opposite the Liverpool football stadium in Anfield. When did you notice things start to change? We knew the …

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Coronavirus Conversations: Claire Robinson from Chichester Community Development Trust

The Chichester Community Development Trust provides spaces for hire and community projects in a suite of community-run buildings in Graylingwell Park, Roussillon Park and Keepers …

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Lack of affordable housing divides the UK. The Government stands by watching homeowners get richer while renters struggle with higher living costs on lower wages. There is another way. In Devon, a community land trust could stop the decline of a village by helping young people stay and own homes. In Liverpool, Anfield residents are trialing a mutual model to share ownership of property.
Southmead Development Trust: Lindy Morgan

Lindy Morgan and is the regeneration team leader at the Southmead Development Trust, which supports communities in the Southmead area of North Bristol. On September 20, …

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Knowle West Media Centre: Melissa Mean

Melissa Mean is head of arts at the Knowle West Media Centre, a living lab in the Knowle West area of Bristol.  The centre leads on …

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Barton Hill Settlement: Joanna Holmes

Joanna Holmes is the chief executive of Barton Hill Settlement, a community hub that has been serving the Barton Hill area of Bristol since 1911. …

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Take Action

  • Live in inclusive co-housing.

  • Take land off the market using a Community Land Trust.

  • Share ownership in a co-operative.

  • Occupy empty property.

Food production must increase 70 per cent to cope with a global population of nine billion by 2050, according to the UN. In London, urban farmers are growing salads in warehouses close to consumers, using new light technology. Meanwhile schoolchildren in Leeds are teaching their parents how to save money and stop waste.
The Larder: Kay Johnson

Kay Johnson is the director of the Larder, a co-operative that promotes healthy, seasonal and sustainable food in Preston. The co-op provides accredited catering and …

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Squash Liverpool: Clare Owens

Clare Owens (right) is co-founder and co-director of Squash Liverpool, a food, arts and environment focused community organisation in South Liverpool. Squash began as the …

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Urban Mushrooms: Jeff Hurst

Jeff Hurst is the chief executive of YMCA Newcastle, where he has started a social enterprise called Urban Mushrooms to help young people get training …

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Take Action

  • Live in inclusive co-housing.

  • Take land off the market using a Community Land Trust.

  • Share ownership in a co-operative.

  • Occupy empty property.

Communities that share control over assets are able to shape their own destiny. In Scotland, a village was revived when residents saved their harbour from neglectful private owners, while a community-owned whisky distillery in the Highlands has the potential to transform the fortunes of a forgotten town. Preston Council is supporting co-operatives to stop wealth leaking out of the city after huge budget cuts. A workers’ guild in East London is helping traders fight for survival amid spiralling rents and business rates.
Makers HQ: Sophie Glover

Sophie Glover is studio manager at Makers HQ, a community interest company on Union Street in Plymouth. Makers HQ is bringing textile manufacturing back to …

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Jess Steele with her dog, Scuffle
Hastings Commons: Jess Steele

Jess Steele is the founder of Jericho Road, a company she started to support her work as an organiser and a leader in Hastings and …

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Kitty's Laundrette: Grace Harrison and Rachael O'Byrne

Grace Harrison and Rachael O’Byrne are project co-ordinators at Kitty’s Laundry in Everton, a cooperative that opened in May. What’s the point of the project? Grace: Originally …

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Take Action

  • Start a community benefit society.housing.

  • Work with others in a co-operative.

  • Join a guild.

  • Invest in shares locally.

Coastal areas counted the highest support for Brexit. People are angry about poor governance of the natural resources the UK relies on for food, jobs, recreation and energy. Around the country, communities are taking matters into their own hands. In Swansea, tidal lagoon technology is at the heart of a long-running campaign to shift the UK to clean power, while an initiative in Brexit-heartland Lincolnshire supports the seaside economy.
Yealm Community Energy: Andrew Moore

Andrew Moore is a director of Yealm Community Energy, a social enterprise in South Devon that invests in renewable electricity and uses the profits for …

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Repair Cafe Belfast: Lee Robb

Lee Robb is a co-founder of the Repair Cafe Belfast. The cafe, which has popped up in various venues across Belfast since October 2017, is …

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Aquafolium: Camilla de Bernhardt Lane

Camilla de Bernhardt Lane runs Aquafolium, a social enterprise connecting people with nature in Devon, with her husband Mark. In 2018, Aquafolium has been introducing …

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Take Action

  • Learn about a Blue New Deal for the coast.

  • Invest in local renewable energy.

Local economies have been stunted by banks and local governments failing to invest in small businesses. Communities around the UK are invoking their power to create cash and credit in response. In Glasgow’s diverse Govanhill, an artist has created a currency to value overlooked and unpaid work by minority groups. Meanwhile the founders of the Bristol Pound are moving beyond currency to create local, sustainable credit to get enterprises off the ground.
Eko local currency: Alex Walker

Alex Walker is the chairman of Ekopia, a community with 250 members in the Findhorn Ecovillage near Inverness in Scotland. Each member of invests small sums of …

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Improving people's access to money in the UK

On December 12, I attended a meeting in Westminster about what still needs to be done to improve people's access to money in the UK, …

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People's Bank of Govanhill: Ailie Rutherford

Ailie Rutherford, a Scottish artist, started the People’s Bank of Govanhill during a residency at Govanhill Baths in 2015. It has grown into a long-term project, mapping the …

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Take Action

  • Join the Independent Money Alliance

Patients without beds, long waiting times, overstretched emergency services, neglected elderly patients and poor support for mental health: just some of the symptoms of a health and social care system in crisis. In Totnes, Caring Town is a groundbreaking way of bringing together the public, private and voluntary sector to plug gaps in services, while Choices4Doncaster is a co-operative working on an alternative way to help the elderly enjoy old age.
Edberts House: Sarah Gorman

Sarah Gorman is the chief executive of Edberts House, a community charity in Gateshead. In October 2018, Power to Change awarded Edberts House a £60,537 …

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NEDCare: Julia Darby

Julia Darby is the director of NEDCare, a community-owned care provider in Mortonhampstead, Devon. What do you do? I’m Julia Darby and I am the executive director …

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Caring Town: Fiona Ward

Fiona Ward is the co-ordinator for Caring Town, an initiative to make sure people in Totnes and the surrounding parishes have access to the health …

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Take Action

  • Find care co-ops in Wales.

  • Find support starting a care co-op in England.

Field Notes
Figuring out the future for local economies

  How can community volunteers become full-time activists? How can we create leaders that act as facilitators rather than heroes? How can groups scale up small …

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Field Notes
What can the UK learn from Mondragon?

In the the last 60 years a massive, worker-owned co-operative has taken the Basque Country in northern Spain from the brink of bankruptcy to prosperity, …

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Field Notes
East End businesses rally to stop rate hikes

The day before the Budget, a trio of business owners gathered outside 10 Downing Street carrying tote bags emblazoned with the logo of the East End …

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